Ginny is an American author of contemporary romance novels. She is, by her own account, a story teller. She loves to create distinctive characters in believable situations to grab the interest of her readers.
Dare To Dream, her first published novel, is the first of a trilogy, telling the story of Callie Ann Hawkins and Ryan Sullivan as they fall in love. When Dreams Endure, the second of the trilogy, carries them through the birth of their child and beyond.
The author started writing at an early age. The first submission she made was to Seventeen Magazine for a writing contest. It was rejected, probably because the premise of the short story was Jesus telling Judas he had been chosen to betray him. She didn’t get back into writing seriously until she retired for the first time and joined the San Francisco chapter of Romance Writers of America. Her first complete novel, which only a dear friend was exposed to, showed her how much she had to learn and she kept on writing, producing 18 manuscripts.
Still actively employed at a community bank, her writing continues. Although one of her newspaper stories says she’s retired, don’t believe everything you read in the papers.